Feb 05, 2018
With technological advances, it's becoming easier and easier for people to ignore traditional marketing messages. They can fast-forward commercials thanks to the personal video recorder (PVR) or avoid them altogether with apps like Netflix. They can mute digital advertisements from brands within apps and on various social media platforms, and they can filter their email inboxes to reduce content that includes sales copy. So how can companies reach potential customers without the message literally getting lost in the mail? Experiential marketing brings brands to life, allowing consumers to… more
Jan 30, 2018
People’s palates continue to become increasingly sophisticated and discerning. There are more of us snapping photos of food, enjoying pop-up restaurants and cooking gourmet meals at home (with or without the benefit of the ingredients delivered direct to their door) than ever before. The term ‘foodie,’ which was once reserved for food snobs and the elite, is now a self-proclaimed adjective many of us wear proudly. If you’re new to the world of event food, read on for some helpful strategic tips for planning your next tasting. Food Tasting – An Essential Part of Preplanning The change in our… more
Jan 23, 2018
The right speaker can help change an average conference or event into a memorable one. Approaching your speaker selection process with a purpose can lead to increased attendance, a more inspired audience and a higher profile for the event. You might think of a well-chosen guest speaker as the exclamation point to the content provided by your executives or presenters. Plus, the right speaker with proper motivation can help attract more attendees. Finding an Amazing, Magical Guest Speaker But how do you find this amazing, magical guest speaker? Before you start searching YouTube, you need to… more
Jan 22, 2018
Since Corporate Event News launched this past September, we’ve done our best to bring you interesting, relevant news that will help you do your jobs better. Now we’re checking in to see if what we’ve been doing has been working – and give you the chance to provide feedback and input to help shape our content going forward. Our first reader survey is now available, and will be open through the end of January. I hope you’ll take a few minutes (it is a 6-question multiple choice and pick-list survey, so it will only take 2-3 minutes) of your time to fill it out - faster than reading this blog… more
Jan 15, 2018
Corporate events come in many types and sizes, but all have a few elements in common: online registration, some type of check-in process, and a credential (badge, wristband, or digital) assigned to each attendee. At the simplest prospect or consumer events, in a single location for a few hours, the credential may be just a paper badge with the attendee's name printed on it. Or it may not be a physical credential at all: a QR code in a smartphone app may work fine. But for more complex events where a sturdier physical credential is called for, that badge or wristband—incorporating QR code or… more
Jan 11, 2018
Tech helps the brand experience world go around, from audio-visual solutions to the latest innovations in digital marketing. Tech is precise, mathematical and useful. It can be eye-catching and fun, too. But ultimately, tech is just part of the show organizer machine that powers event marketing and sponsorship. Stop the engines for one second. What if I told you event tech, at its best, can make shows more personal and create deeper connections between you or your sponsors and audiences? It seems counterintuitive but it’s true. Good tech makes events more human. Ready to put some octane… more
Jan 02, 2018
It’s hard to believe that 2018 is already here. Corporate Event News was launched just over three months ago, on Sept 20, and the time has flown by. Thank you for your readership, for subscribing to our weekly newsletter, and for contributing your ideas, suggestions, and content. When I signed on for the editorial role at CEN, I thought I’d enjoy combining my years of experience with corporate events with my passion for writing. As it turns out, I don’t just like it – I love it.  While I’m not a news junkie like our founder, Rachel Wimberly, I find it fascinating to see what is changing in… more
Dec 20, 2017
A potential new client called me the other day asking for help planning a large meeting in conjunction with a much larger citywide event. When we received the initial inquiry, we were guardedly optimistic that this was a solid piece of new business. We prepared for the call, outlining who would handle what aspects of the conversation, establishing a flow for follow up questions and doing some preliminary research on the citywide, the client and possible venues. Within literally sixty seconds after our small talk ended, we knew that we had a familiar and frustrating problem on our hands. Here… more
Dec 11, 2017
Corporate events have the potential to be interactive meetings where industry leaders share new ideas and products with their colleagues, fostering discussions and increasing engagement. From conferences to team building events and quarterly board meetings, a number of simple factors can make a big impact on guests’ engagement and satisfaction. When planning your next corporate event consider repurposing some ideas from the most exciting social events you’ve been to. Rethinking the design or adding interactive elements will create new excitement and offer them a more memorable experience.… more
Dec 05, 2017
Every summer on beautiful Cape Cod our Convention Data Services (CDS) team organizes an advisory group event for our clients. Our annual event gathers people of different backgrounds from all over the country to network, share ideas and build relationships. With 11 years of experience planning and executing this meeting we’ve gained first-hand knowledge of what makes a corporate event successful. Here are a few tips and ideas for creating a memorable event:   Define your objective: Kick off the planning of your event by determining your objectives. What are your goals for the event? Is… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more