Mar 29, 2018
Event organizers know that balancing tech trends with the realities of business and budgets is a challenge. Roll something out too early, or to an audience that doesn’t fit, and it can easily fail. Hold back on new tech and your event can feel dated. So how do you make sense of “bots” and voice-activated technology like Amazon Alexa? Well, the first place to start is understanding the difference between a new trend and a new technology. Bots, AI (artificial intelligence) messaging apps and voice-activated search are here to stay. This is not a "trend" – it's a technology. There is a… more
Mar 22, 2018
Event strategists always start with the end in mind. They know the core principle in strategic planning is that all actions and decisions must support the event goal. When it comes to choosing speakers, it can be easy to get distracted by celebrity status or choose topics that may be personally interesting but not right for your target audience. Engaging the professional skills of a speaker’s bureau allows you to add an expert to your team at no cost to you, saves time and will potentially introduce you to people and topics you may not have otherwise found. This is the second in a three-part… more
Mar 19, 2018
Bringing new tech to your event is easy; you just go to the event tech store, pick out what you want, take it home, unwrap it and press the big green "on" button. If only. Clearly there's more to it, and there are more opportunities for things to go awry, mistakes to be made, and issues to occur. We've put our heads together and came up with eight "dos" and "don'ts" for implementing event technology at your events. If you're ever had a problem with tech at your events, there's a good chance you made one of the mistakes we're going to address below.  But, no worries! With tips you'll have… more
Mar 14, 2018
Over the last few years, technology has become an integral part of the events industry. Anyone working in this dynamic area knows how painful it would be to juggle all the aspects of event management without the help of technology tools. The demands placed in front of today’s organizers? To execute the logistics of the event perfectly, while at the same time providing engaging experiences that are tailor-made for attendees, satisfying different needs they may have before, during, and after the event. It goes without saying that the most effective way for relieving some of this pressure is… more
Mar 07, 2018
Whether it’s making a list and checking it twice or end-of-year recaps and wrap-ups, winter is the season of lists. At Derse, much like when it comes to events, we’re all about preparation. So, we’ve scoured the internet for opinions and predictions on event marketing trends for the coming year. These predictions from Chief Marketer, Entrepreneur, Forbes and more, combined with our knowledge from the past year and our expertise in aiding companies with events, exhibits and experiences led to our own list. Here are the trends to look out for in event marketing over the next year Quality… more
Mar 02, 2018
Quite often event organizers struggle with tight budgets and see getting an event app as a luxury they cannot afford. “This year we can’t make it, our budget has been approved and closed” or “We don’t have the budget for it this year” or “Maybe next year.” Any of those sound familiar? If you’re an event organizer, you probably have said those things more than once in your life and indeed those are perfectly understandable statements. However, in this post, we’ll try to present this issue from a bit of a different perspective. Getting an event app doesn’t have to be a cost at all. It can and… more
Feb 26, 2018
My first post covered the steps event marketers should take towards GDPR compliance leading up to the event – now it’s time to talk about what happens onsite and beyond. The Big Day Event Tech RFIDs are so cool. Live Tweet walls are so cool. The future is so cool, generally. But a lot of people have seen Black Mirror and have some serious concerns around the misuse of technology. The level of innovative systems now available for attendees to play with is staggering, especially when it comes to tech conferences and events. However, while many people find this intriguing and engaging (this… more
Feb 20, 2018
All event strategists know that content is king, so when we bring in outside speakers we need to do our homework and recommend wisely. As is the case with all things event strategists do, their actions yield the highest quality results that align with the event’s goal. In this instance, that means reaching out to an accredited speakers bureau and leveraging their expertise. For those who are not as calibrated in their process, an internet search for ‘motivational’ or ‘professional’ speakers may start the process. Perhaps a visit to YouTube for clips of speakers is the preferred route, with… more
Feb 19, 2018
Acronyms, folks, am I right? (IDK, but I’m SMDH about GDPR. AFAIK, u r 2.) Between these (and other) daft initialisms, scaremongering click-bait, and alarmist legalese the GDPR hype is becoming an ever-louder buzzing noise in the back of marketers’ minds. The reason GDPR has been set up – to protect us and everyone else – isn’t the first thing that we’ve learned to think of when it comes to the subject. We’re too distracted by the prospect of being fined €10 million. As an attempt to cut through the noise, I’m going to run through the lifecycle of the event with practical steps event… more
Feb 12, 2018
Whether you’re a fan or not, it’s hard to miss the hype around the biggest football championship of the year. And this year’s coverage has been particularly interesting with a spotlight on first-time host, Minneapolis. Unlike previous metropolises like Houston and San Francisco, Minneapolis/St. Paul had some hurdles, including fewer traditional event space options and frosty conditions. But the Twin Cities capitalized on its “Bold North” strengths to become the ultimate Super Bowl hub with a wide lineup of memorable experiences in and outside the big game. The bonus for a smaller market like… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more