May 11, 2022
Today’s event attendees are less driven by product than they are by purpose. For instance, 85% of people around the world are making more sustainable purchases. As a result, 83% of organizations are taking sustainability into account when planning events. This audience shift toward values offers a tremendous opportunity for companies willing to be empathetic and transparent. As an event marketer, you need to take this change seriously. You must determine how to communicate not just the features and benefits of your products during events, but also your company’s compassion and demonstrable… more
May 03, 2022
Let’s play a game. Close your eyes. I am going to say a word. Tell me the first thing that pops into your head. "Inclusivity." Go!  Oddly enough, for many people, the first thing that pops into their minds when thinking about inclusivity is race or ethnicity. Maybe that’s because of the current state of the world, but as an event industry professional, I want you to expand your horizons and think of all the different categories like gender, language, religion, ability, sexual orientation and more. The list is endless. If we start to engage with a variety of people, the events we plan can… more
Apr 26, 2022
We create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data globally—every single day. In this digital age, data is currency, with stored data growing five times faster than the world economy. As information changes hands faster than ever, event organizers must prioritize data security and legal compliance.  Virtual and hybrid events became a mainstay in 2020. A key ingredient contributing to their growth? The vast amounts of available data. However, data security remains all about trust. Those attending a hybrid or virtual event expect their information will be protected. A data breach leaking sensitive data… more
Apr 19, 2022
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the event industry has seen a complete 180 in operations, with in-person events being forced to move to virtual in response to safety protocols. And now, hybrid events are catching on as a way to provide the best of both worlds. With these changes, event managers are turning to new tools and event software to ease the often quick transition and offer the best overall experience for their audiences.  New practices and technologies can introduce trial-and-error challenges that get in the way of creating the ultimate experience for audiences. Here are three… more
Apr 12, 2022
Event organizers are taking the sustainability movement more seriously than ever before. That decision is good business. So is engaging with stakeholders. In mid-April, the Events Industry Council is expected to release a refresh of its Sustainable Event Standards for the industry. Event organizers should take up the EIC SES, make meaningful changes now and be on the side of right. As reported in the Wall Street Journal on January 18: “In his annual letter to CEOs, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said executives need to express their values. ‘They don’t want to hear us, as CEOs, opine on every… more
Apr 05, 2022
As we enter year three of a global pandemic that upends plans from one minute to the next, marketing events remain a highly challenging endeavor. We thought vaccines would bring us back to normal by 2022, but once again, we find ourselves resetting our expectations about event outcomes at this moment. Maybe we won’t see the pre-2020 crowds just yet, but they’re coming, and maybe we do need virtual aspects of our events as much as we value the in-person connections. So now, we ask ourselves as marketers in these constantly uncertain circumstances, how do we convince our audiences to move… more
Mar 30, 2022
When it comes to corporate events, tented outdoor affairs have seen an increase in popularity. In the ever-evolving pandemic area, where clientele may favor space and expansive layouts, tents provide a type of comfort and aesthetic that cannot be found in a typical indoor meeting space, such as a ballroom or banquet hall. Here are a few of the advantages of tented events and ways to utilize tents to host successful, memorable experiences.  Using Unique Layouts and Floor Plans When working with a tent provider, you have the freedom to put forth layouts to accommodate your guests and the… more
Mar 22, 2022
What’s in a brand? Well, a lot of things! More than just a logo, a brand encompasses your message and your reputation. It’s both tangible and intangible. It’s not meant to be finite, but rather to grow as your company grows. To stand the test of time, your brand should be able to evolve, responding to your customers’ needs and thinking ahead to “what’s next?” The pandemic has pushed a lot of companies to adapt to new circumstances. No doubt it also made some of those companies rethink their brand.  So, how do you know when it’s time to reevaluate and refresh some or all of your company’s… more
Mar 16, 2022
The pandemic has been an eye-opening experience for people who plan and attend events, but after two years of online conferences, expos, meetings and other experiences, many of us miss the energy and interaction of in-person events. However, we’ve also learned that although virtual events can’t always replace the real thing, they can still be highly effective. As the industry returns to in-person events, it doesn’t mean virtual experiences will disappear. Hybrid events that incorporate in-person and online components are the future. In fact, 52% of event managers plan to continue hosting… more
Mar 09, 2022
As vaccination rates continue to rise and people return to their “normal” lives, many event organizers and venues are thinking about how they can continue to protect the health and safety of attendees. Some organizers and venues have also expressed a desire to help promote the vaccination effort, as the more people who get vaccinated, the safer events will be.  A number of events have required in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated. Similarly, some concert and sporting venues like Madison Square Garden in New York are reserving entire seating sections for vaccinated guests.   While the… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more