Corporate Event News Holiday Photo Contest: Event Pros - Show Us How You Holiday!

‘Tis the season to be jolly, festive, and full of good cheer - and we want to see how you celebrate. Share a photo of what the holiday season looks like for you as an event professional and you’ll be entered into the contest. The public will decide who wins, by popular vote!
This is your chance to show us your holiday spirit, whether it’s hosting or attending an event (holiday or otherwise), in your office, with family and friends, or anywhere else that makes you happy.
Each week (with the exception of the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day), we’ll award a $50 American Express gift card to the person who submitted the top-ranked photo of the week. Winners and their photos will be included in our weekly round-up newsletter sent each Wednesday.
To enter, upload your photo on the holiday contest section of our Facebook page, or share on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook (make sure your post is set to "public" view) using hashtag #EventProHoliday. Entries will be accepted from Dec. 5, 2017 through Jan. 5, 2018.
To vote, visit the gallery.
To subscribe to Corporate Event News, go here.
We look forward to seeing your holiday spirit!
Photo entries open to members of the events industry. Verification will be made prior to prizes being awarded.

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