Jun 11, 2019
For all of the unquestionable benefits of digitization, there remain a number of areas where in the name of efficiency, we risk losing some humanity.  We may be more interconnected than ever before, but the plethora of devices — from desktops to phones, smartwatches and the ever-attentive Alexa — which have infiltrated our daily lives at an unprecedented rate, also mean that real human interactions can be filtered almost beyond recognition. It’s a concern that a growing number of psychologists, business leaders, and almost every discerning parent will recognize and relate to. How then can… more
Jun 04, 2019
As the universe of event technology continues to expand and event planners expand their use of technology at live gatherings, a number of trends are emerging for the coming year. But according to eight of the smartest women in event tech, one trend stands out. When asked what they see as the biggest trends in events, particularly in relation to event technology, members of the Women in Event Tech community gave a wide range of answers. They cited emerging technologies (artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality/AR), personalization, influencer marketing, integration with… more
May 28, 2019
Throughout 2019 this space is dedicated to strategically aligning yourself to your goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Your life goals and new growth can be attained the same way strategic events are achieved; by following my five-step strategic plan. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, because isn’t life the ultimate event? January focused on stretching beyond comfort zones, getting out of our own way, being willing to take risks and do the work required to accomplish it. February was about visualizing what you imagine when you think to the future and picture your ‘… more
May 20, 2019
Event planners wear a ton of hats. From juggling venues and caterers to managing staff members, selling sponsorships and negotiating with vendors, you have no shortage of responsibilities. If you don’t have an organizational strategy in place, that to-do list can become overpowering. While the highs of successful events are hard to match, the weeks leading up to those events are incredibly stressful. Most event professionals struggle through plenty of sleepless nights as they fret over important details, and they often have too many things on their plates to handle anything time-consuming. … more
May 14, 2019
Everyone is talking about the sexy technology developments around VR event experiences, facial recognition, etc. Yet one critical area of advancement that must correspond with all of these technology enhancements is consumer data privacy and controls. Data privacy will continue to shake the events world for the foreseeable future.  Our consumers and operators might not be excited about this advancement but the changes we saw in our industry with GDPR are just the beginning. We will continue to see additional legislation and regulation around data privacy, and event technology operators and… more
May 07, 2019
What if your organization exhibited at an event or trade show and nobody showed up to your booth?  That’s a real concern for many brands exhibiting at what can be costly events.  The old saying “If you build it, they will come” is not applicable when it comes to events.  Instead, you need to market your presence and offer a reason why people should visit you.  Consider the following ways in which you can maximize your impact with solid marketing strategies: Geofencing Your Trade Show Booth Geofencing is a great way to capture relevant traffic and drive people to your event or trade show… more
Apr 30, 2019
Content marketing and event marketing are too often thought of as different worlds. Content marketing is online and trendy. Live events are offline and old-school. The two tactics are more accurately (and productively) viewed as tightly interlocking channels. According to the Content Marketing Institute, in-person events are one of the top four content marketing methods B2B marketers use to nurture their audiences. Events trail only email campaigns and educational content (which, of course, is the primary type of content shared at live events), and are essentially tied with "clear calls-to-… more
Apr 23, 2019
Some call it a Social Feed, others an Event Pulse, or Idea Blog. But no matter what you call it, the Experience Wall can be the most important feature of your event app. Why? Simple. Because it’s tied directly to the return on experience (ROE) of your event! For marketers, ROE is everything — it’s how we measure success. The in-app Experience Wall not only helps show the big picture of attendees’ ROE, but is also a great tool to build community and promote both your meeting initiatives and your organization’s culture. It All Starts With Social: Post, Like and Share There are many ways you… more
Apr 16, 2019
Throughout 2019 this space is dedicated to strategically aligning yourself to your goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Your life goals and new growth can be attained the same way strategic events are achieved; by following my five-step strategic plan. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, because isn’t life the ultimate event? January focused on stretching beyond comfort zones, getting out of our own way, being willing to take risks and do the work required to accomplish it. February was about visualizing what you imagine when you think to the future and picture your ‘… more
Apr 10, 2019
Why do you spend time, money, energy, resources on events? Going into your events, do you know what results you are pursuing? Common goals include increased event registration, increased brand and/or market leadership positioning, and increased revenue generation. Often, achieving these goals is talked about in terms of return on investment (ROI). But for events, I believe we should instead be looking for a “return on your moment” (ROM), which encompasses more than just revenue measurement.   This five-step approach can help you ensure a high ROM: Strategizing – ideating, understanding the… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more