Global Meetings Industry Day 2018 is Going to Rock – And You Can Be Part of It

April 12 marks Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) 2018. GMID is a day for event professionals to celebrate the industry and reflect on the positive impact that meetings and events have – not just for business, but also for communities and individuals.
The GMID 2018 slogan is “Real results, real impact, all around the world,” and in this spirit, leaders from across the industry are coming together to host and attend events that honor the power of face-to-face meetings.
In 2016, the community came together to crowdsource lyrics for a GMID anthem. In 2017, the team at SongDivision put together an official music video. For 2018, they’re amping that anthem up – literally: this year the anthem will be performed in head-banging, heavy metal-style.
This video isn’t just for you to view: you have the opportunity to be a part of it. Visit the 2018 GMID Anthem webpage, watch the video and listen to the MP3. Then email the SongDivision team a clip of your best head-banging groupie rocker moves by March 31.
“The words 'Life's always brighter when we are meeting face-to-face' aren't just lyrics - they are truth,” said Andy Sharpe, SongDivision's founder. “GMID celebrates the value of what we do as an industry and helps us remember why meetings matter.”
A final version of the anthem video, including all submitted clips, will be shared prior to April 12 – so if you are hosting a GMID celebration you can share it with your audience. If you can’t make it to an event or just want to see your moves on repeat, you’ll be able to watch the video online at your leisure.
To find a GMID event near you, go HERE.
To find out how you can host a GMID event, go HERE.

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