Industry Resources for Staying Informed on the Coronavirus Outbreak

The COVID-19 coronavirus has now caused more than 3,000 deaths worldwide from a confirmed 89,253 cases. As this outbreak continues to lead to mass cancellations and postponements of business events, use these resources to stay informed on the latest news.
Access the organization’s official statement as well as evolving resources on understanding novel coronavirus’ impact on the industry.
The Society of Independent Show Organizers is collecting resources and statements here addressing shows that are canceling or rescheduling, as well as news updates directly impacting events.
The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry launched this page dedicated to resources around coronavirus for the meetings industry. Find links to continuing news developments on coronavirus cases, official statements from UFI, travel advice, company advice and industry responses.
This page contains MPI’s official statement on COVID-19, as well as continually updated industry news and MPI news related to the spread of coronavirus and its impact on meetings.
Events Industry Council has aggregated insightful resources about how the coronavirus is impacting business events. It also has a link to a live tracker of the spread of the disease, latest updates from WHO and the CDC, and banners and social graphics you can use to communicate with your members.
Visit PCMA’s website to access a guide to crisis management and recovery plans, as well as the latest news regarding the spread of coronavirus.
Meetings Mean Business
MMBC has put up a coronavirus preparedness and response page with up-to-date resources and communications assistance for event professionals.
Expo Database
View a continually updating list of all postponed or canceled trade fairs and exhibitions worldwide. As of Feb. 28, more than 400 shows are on the list.
U.S. Travel Association
View the latest guidance for travelers with regard to the coronavirus outbreak, as well as facts about COVID-19 and a guide for communicating healthy travel practices.
World Health Organization
This is a comprehensive page that includes rolling updates on the spread of the virus, as well as tips for protecting yourself, travel advice, situation reports and ongoing global research. Access this page for WHO recommendations with regard to planning mass events amidst the outbreak.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides many resources explaining what the COVID-19 virus is and how it spreads, as well as severity and risk assessment context. The CDC has also provided specific interim guidance for event planners.
Photo credit: Johns Hopkins CSSE
Do you have news to share regarding event cancellations or postponements due to coronavirus? Email us at so we can share in our ongoing coverage of the situation.

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