SPIN Names 2018 40 Over 40 Winners

SPIN:Senior Professionals Industry Network has announced the 2018 recipients of the industry’s first recognition for veteran meeting planners - SPIN:40 Over 40. This initiative was created in 2017 to recognize and honor planners who are industry role models, influencers, innovators and pioneers.
“It was tough selecting only 40 people from the nominations,” said Tracey Smith, CMP, CMM, SPIN’s Executive Director. “The variety of work experience, volunteer efforts and industry advocacy this year’s group represents is truly outstanding.”
“It’s an honor to be one of the recipients of SPIN’s 2018 group of 40 over 40,” noted Sean Schuette, CMP of Schuette on Duty Solutions.
He added,“As one of the original members of SPIN, I know personally of the impact the organization has had on me in my development in the industry as well as the friends and peers I have made over the years. Having my industry colleagues deem my contributions worthy is awesome.”
Saira Banu Kianes, CMP, HMCC, who received multiple peer nominations, echoed that sentiment and added, “I am humbled that my industry colleagues recognized my efforts.”
2018 SPIN:40 Over 40 Winners
Jacki Abramowitz, CMP – JackiAEvents
Maralynn Adams, CMP – The Corporate Event Group LLC
Tom Anderson, CMP - Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA)
Saira Banu Kianes, CMP, HMCC - Banu Event Solutions & Training (B.E.S.T)
Shawn Barrie – evntdsgn
Elizabeth Brubaker, CMP - E.B. Event Planning
Bitsy Burns, CMP
Karen S. Charest, CGMP – WestEd
Deirdre L. Clemmons, CMP - ACI-NA
Adonia Coates, CAE, CMP - American Thyroid Association
Elizabeth Davis Peeler, CMP, CMM - D-P Planning Meetings & Events
Susan Delle Shaffette, CGMP - Team Dynamics LLC
Tyra Dyson, CMP - Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
Carol Galle, CMP - Special D Events
Cheryl Gentry - Glow Global Events
LoriAnn K. Harnish, CMP, CMM, CTA, CED - Speaking of Meetings
Lynda Hoff, CMP, CMM - Ontario Nurses' Association
Linda Hurtley - Linwood Group
Stephanie Jones, CMP, CAE - Water Environment Federation
Jo-El Lacy, CMP - Lacy Event Consulting
Renee J. Lewis, CMP - Infinity Management Group LLC
James (Jim) Louis, CMP, CAE - Best Meetings Inc.
Miya Macken, CMP - Bishop-McCann
Francesca Mingione, CMP – IEEE
Rebecca Moreland Green - The Moreland Group
Susan "Sue" Morris, CMP - Essemm Events & Communication Inc.
Linda Nelson, CMP - To Plan Ahead
Kathie Niesen, CMP - KMN Meetings and Events
Louise Olson, CMP - Zest Events Inc
Judy Payne, CMP - GameStop, Inc.
Wendy Porter - Wendy Porter Events, LLC
Garland Preddy, CGMP - Society of Government Meeting Professionals
Dana Rhoden, CMP, CMM - Veterinary Education Network
Paula Rigling, CMP - Meeting Planning Professionals
Sean R. Schuette, CMP - Schuette on Duty Solutions, LLC
Flavia St. Clair - PCM & Associates
Valerie Sumner - VRS Meetings & Events, Inc.
Wayne Wallgren, CIS - Worldwide Incentives
Julie Wong, CMP - The Event Concierge
Kathleen Zwart, CMP- KAZwart Meeting Management
The 40 honorees will each receive complimentary registration for SPINCon 2018 (one for the honoree, and one for their nominator or a fellow qualified planner with 10 or more years experience), and they will be recognized at the conference in a ceremony amongst their peers.
SPINCon 2018 will be held at The Don Cesar in St. Petersburg, Florida, Nov. 11-13.

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