IAEE Releases 2019 Edition of Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations

International Association of Exhibitions and Events has released an update to its Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations. The guidelines are designed to promote continuity and consistency among U.S. exhibitions and events.
IAEE recommends that event organizers use the guidelines to create consistent and fair exhibiting standards based on the individual features of their specific exhibition or event. Show managers also often include a copy in exhibitor kits or prospectuses as a helpful reference tool for event managers responsible for booth design.
IAEE display guidelines include everything from measurements (quick quiz: at most shows, what is the maximum height allowed for a sidewall in a perimeter booth?) and height restrictions to guidance on areas like acceptable sound volume (so the presenter in the booth next to yours doesn’t drown out your conversations with dance music).
Compliance with fire, safety, the Americans with Disabilities Act and other state, federal or provincial government requirements are also addressed. In the 2019 edition, further clarification was submitted in the following areas:
Line-of-Sight vs. Cubic Content
IAEE identified two distinctly different styles of show display regulations that organizers should review to decide which style is best suited to their event.
Drone Operation
This was added as a subsection to Remote-Controlled Devices, noting that local facility and city ordinances are in effect in most areas that prohibit drone activity near the public or in public spaces.
Vehicle Regulations
Common examples were added.
"IAEE periodically creates a task force of members to review, discuss and if needed, update the existing Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations," said Tom Corcoran, IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations task force chairperson. "Keeping in mind that technology and other factors influence how quickly things change, it is our intent to give show organizers the opportunity to put their best foot forward and consistently offer their exhibitors the best return on their investment possible."
IAEE's Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations, 2019 Update is available for free to IAEE members and available to non-members for a fee. For more information and IAEE resources, go here.

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