C2MTL Conference Hosts Hands-On Neurodiversity Awareness Workshop

Known as a hotbed of creative inspiration for those who plan events, the C2 Montreal (C2MTL) 2024 conference held in Montreal, Canada, May 21-23 featured a “layered” approach to educating attendees on neurodiversity awareness.
In the Agora, a large communal space that housed many of the festival’s activations, an interactive station called NeuroLasagna saw reps from two organizations focused on neurodiversity awareness—Better Being and Nuense—lead 15 attendees in making lasagna from scratch. The goal: “To deconstruct the prejudice that all lasagnas must be the same shape, using the metaphor of preparing pasta to better understand the complex dynamics surrounding neurodiversity in the workplace,” said the session leaders.
Tinsley Conway, vice president of events for Atlanta-based Connect Meetings, participated in the session. She and her two team members at the table were given large sheets of different-colored pasta from which they cut out various shapes to represent people who process information differently, including ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and Asperger’s syndrome, along with a shape to represent non-neurodivergent people.
For more of this article, which was recently published in Corporate Event News’s sister brand, MeetingsNet, go here. For more coverage of the creative sessions and activations at C2MTL, check out this article from our sister brand BizBash.

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