Navigating the Intricacies of AI Translation and Professional Interpretation

July 31, 2024

Oddmund Braaten

Oddmund Braaten, CEO at Interprefy, a multilingual meeting technology and services provider. Launched in 2015 with the idea of removing the need for interpreters to travel to venues to do their jobs, Interprefy has helped thousands of companies reduce their carbon footprint with remote simultaneous interpretation technology.

The art of translation has long been a bridge connecting cultures and fostering understanding, and with the explosion of AI technology, this bridge is taking on new dimensions.

The AI journey within global events, conferences and even global organizations begins with achieving a delicate balance between the demand for real-time translation and the quest for utmost accuracy. It is in this balancing act that the true potential and limitations of AI translation come to light.

What we are talking about here is taking speech in one language and delivering the same meaning spoken in another language. Simultaneous interpreters do that, and now AI speech solutions are beginning to do the same – with some differences.

Interpretation or translation? Why do we call the people who translate one language to another orally “interpreters” and not “translators?” Well, while some of the time they are translating language, much of the time they are interpreting the meaning of the spoken word.

Translation is rather literal, taking what has been said in one language and finding the equivalent words in the second.

Sometimes, word mapping isn’t one-to-one; instead of direct substitution, it involves phrase substitution. The essence is still the same, but with an interpreter, the interpreter understands the associated nuance and therefore doesn’t translate it literally, rather they interpret it.

Professional interpretation vs AI speech translation: the battle lines are drawn

The relationship between professional interpretation and AI speech translation is “complicated.” While AI promises efficiency and speed, the human touch brings nuance, cultural sensitivity and a deep understanding of context. As a result, many organizers and corporations strive to balance seamless translation with interpretations that resonate with diverse audiences.

As AI speech translation adoption grows, the challenge lies in achieving accurate and timely real-time interpretation at international events.

Can AI meet this demand consistently, or do the nuances of language still elude its algorithms?

Sure, it seems like AI has become a focal point globally, undergoing rigorous testing, monitoring and debate in businesses and governments. Language engines, while pivotal to AI’s language capabilities, are modest on their own.

We should not rely on the engines themselves but focus on the training those engines received. They have the power to learn from tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of conversations, conversations between different people on different topics in different languages, learning not from one person’s point of view, but many. 

Professional interpreters and AI translation are different

Sometimes, in certain scenarios, there is an argument that AI speech translation is equal to interpreters – but this is only when interpreters are being literal. In the real world, it does not take long for interpreters to get into the reductive strategy of interpretation. AI does not interpret what it’s being said, it renders everything in a different language and leaves the interpretation and extracting the meaning to the audience.  

AI speech translation cannot detect or decode emotion (at the moment at least). AI works on the words alone and does not get humor, sarcasm, frustration, anger or any other emotional signals.

When at events or global conferences, grasping the emotion behind spoken words is vital for accurate interpretation and avoiding misunderstandings, AI speech translation lags behind humans. However, AI subtitles enable users to read translated speech while hearing the original, potentially allowing them to infer the speaker’s emotions.

However, AI tools, unlike humans, don’t get tired, need breaks or refreshments. They offer consistent, cost-effective translation, expanding opportunities for multilingual events, conferences and business communication. In situations where professionals or budget constraints limit multilingual events, we see AI as a viable alternative solution.

The reality for multilingual events

The simple reality is that human interpretation and AI translation are distinct solutions with their own roles and shouldn’t be viewed as mutually exclusive options.

Overall, this is good news for event planners, conference organizers and global businesses as they have the freedom to choose the approach that best fits their unique challenges and goals.

Event planners, conference organizers and global businesses can combine both human interpreters and AI to scale up their language offerings. Some languages can be supported through simultaneous interpretation, while others are supported through AI.

If you can look past the battle of “human interpreters vs AI speech translation” and see the wider value of bridging language barriers, this uncovers more opportunities for the use of professional interpreters.


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