Speaker Spotlight: Keynote on Building The Life You Want by New York Times Bestselling Author Arthur Brooks

August 1, 2024

What is the secret to happiness at work? Arthur Brooks, who co-authored the 2023 No. 1 New York Times bestseller, "Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier" with Oprah Winfrey, shared strategies and insights during the opening keynote at the Destinations International Annual Convention 2024 in Tampa, Fla. 

“I talk to a lot of different business groups, but not every group I talk to is a happiness business like you,” Brooks said from the main stage at the event produced by Destinations International (DI), an association for destination management professionals from organizations like Visit Philadelphia, Visit San Diego and NYC & Co. 

He continued, “If I do my job, you're going to see yourselves in the science of happiness, and as you incorporate some of these ideas, you can be more effective and more fun, and you can be more productive and more prosperous. That's what I want because this world needs more of you.”

Backstory: Brooks, who is a Harvard professor, PhD social scientist, and columnist at The Atlantic, told the audience he speaks at 175 events and travels 48 weeks each year. Renowned for his extensive research on happiness, Brooks has captivated audiences with his wisdom and wit at SXSW, Google, The White House, Blackstone, McKinsey & Co and more, according to his website. Find a list of events where he will be speaking next. Beyond his writing, Brooks's diverse career spans from being a classical French hornist to earning a PhD in public policy analysis and leading the American Enterprise Institute. Currently, he teaches the science of happiness at Harvard Business School, where his course is the most oversubscribed elective.

Need to know: To find out his speaker fee, we checked speakers bureaus for ranges and then emailed his team directly to confirm. Here’s what they told us via email: “If someone is interested in Arthur speaking at an event, they can contact us directly. We review every event individually and in the context of his schedule and a number of other variables. It is a high touch process. You can kindly direct your audience to our speaker page, where there is tons of information and the ability to get in touch with us. The fees on the [speaker bureau] websites cited are not correct. What’s more, the speakers bureaus do not have our permission to publish them, and we have asked them to remove the false information.”

Arthur Brooks
Arthur Brooks on stage at DI

Our take: Brooks delivered an engaging, inspiring and fast-paced keynote. If you are looking for an entertaining and knowledgeable speaker who happens to call Oprah his friend, Brooks may be a good option for your main stage. He somewhat personalized the message to the destination management audience by acknowledging that attendees are in the business of creating happiness.

Attendance reviews: “Arthur Brooks’s keynote was fabulous! Already bought his book for a few friends and colleagues,” wrote Culinary Tourism President & CEO Rebecca Mackenzie on a LinkedIn post. Philadelphia CVB Chief Sales Officer Maria Grasso added: “Arthur Brooks was outstanding!!”

Maximizing the value: We’ve seen celebrity speaker meet-and-greets with sponsors and their key customers, as well as with other VIPs attending the event. With authors, like Brooks, we’ve seen organizers give away signed copies of books. Be sure to consider value-adds like this when negotiating speaker contracts.

Keynote summary: His 45-minute keynote provided a roadmap to achieving and enhancing happiness in our professional and personal lives. By understanding the components of happiness and actively working to incorporate them, the audience was given tools to enjoy more fulfilling, balanced, and joyful lives—both at work and home. Want to know more? Watch this interview with Brooks by the Harvard Business Review.

Highlights from Brooks keynote at DI

In today's fast-paced world, finding genuine happiness can be a challenge. Simpleview Chief Operating Officer Patrick Eichen had the honor of introducing Brooks at the opening keynote session, “Build the Life You Want,” on July 17 at the DI Annual Convention. Throughout his presentation, Brooks provided valuable insights into the art and science of achieving happiness, which can be applied both personally and professionally.

The Science of Happiness

Brooks began by dispelling a common misconception: happiness is often mistaken for a mere feeling. He emphasized that happiness is not a fleeting emotion but a more tangible state that can be cultivated. To understand, achieve, and sustain happiness, Brooks broke it down into three macronutrients: enjoyment, satisfaction, and meaning.

Enjoyment vs. Pleasure

He differentiated between pleasure and enjoyment. While pleasure is an animalistic, limbic system response often associated with immediate gratification, enjoyment is a higher-order experience that involves people and memories. 

For instance, beer commercials don't just show individuals drinking alone; they depict friends clinking bottles, emphasizing the joy derived from shared experiences and lasting memories. 

He highlighted the importance of social connections and mindfulness in enhancing daily pleasures into genuine enjoyment.

Arthur Brooks
Arthur Brooks with Oprah

Finding Satisfaction

Satisfaction stems from the joy of overcoming struggles and achieving goals. Brooks shared personal anecdotes, such as his father-in-law's experiences during the Spanish Civil War, to illustrate how deferred gratification enhances the sweetness of accomplishments. 

He explained the concept of the hedonic treadmill, where continual pursuit of more material possessions results in temporary happiness. To escape this cycle, Brooks advocates for managing one's desires and practicing gratitude.

The Importance of Meaning

The third and perhaps the most crucial element of happiness is meaning. Brooks posed profound questions to his audience: why are you alive, and for what would you be willing to die? Understanding the "why" behind one's life is essential for a fulfilled existence. He shared a touching story about his son Carlos, whose journey from a struggling student to a dedicated Marine revealed the transformative power of finding one's purpose.

Practical Steps to Achieve Happiness

Brooks offered actionable strategies for incorporating these principles into our daily lives:

  1. Faith: This is not limited to religious faith; it can be any practice that provides a sense of transcendence and perspective, such as meditation, nature walks, or studying philosophy.
  2. Family: Nurturing close family connections is essential for emotional well-being. Brooks urged against letting divisive issues like politics strain these relationships.
  3. Friends: Building and maintaining real, not just transactional, friendships enriches our lives. He recognized the loneliness that often accompanies high-achievement roles and stressed the importance of genuine, supportive friendships.
  4. Work: Finding joy in work involves both earning one's success and serving others. Brooks highlighted that the hospitality and tourism industry, in particular for the DI audience, has the unique privilege of bringing joy to others through their services.

Call to action

Brooks concluded with a call to action: to not only seek happiness for ourselves but also to become teachers and spreaders of happiness. He encouraged the audience to adopt and share these insights, emphasizing that the combination of personal changes and professional practice can lift society as a whole.

For those interested in further exploring these ideas, Brooks recommended visiting his website to download additional materials. His passionate plea to build a "happiness army" underscores the potential for collective efforts to create a happier world.

About this column: In our new Speaker Spotlight series on Corporate Event News, we will share reviews of speakers we see in person, their booking fees and session highlights to help you evaluate potential keynoters for your own events. With thousands of paid speakers to choose from, it can be difficult to narrow your list. Not to mention, a great keynote can set the vibe for your event. Not all events require a paid speaker (but that’s a topic for another story), but many corporate events can benefit from the energy and excitement they can bring to the stage.


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