Be Careful What You Pay For: What to Know About Event Cancellation Insurance

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 09:39

Event cancellation insurance is a specialized insurance that provides financial coverage for organizations if they must cancel, postpone, abandon or relocate an event. It is essential for organizations hosting trade shows, conferences, concerts, festivals, celebrations or sporting events to maintain event cancellation insurance to improve their chances of recovering their losses if they cannot hold an event.

A New FTC Rule Targets Trade Show Scammers: How It Works & Why It Matters

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 09:21

For years, the business events industry has been calling on policymakers to take action against the scammers who prey on our industry.

On Feb. 15, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) answered those calls with its new Government and Business Impersonation Rule, which will target scammers who impersonate businesses and government entities.

9 Most Common Event App Issues and How to Avoid Them

Submitted by on Wed, 02/07/2024 - 08:36

It's impossible to imagine even a mid-sized event without the support of an event management platform or app. However, the tools designed to enhance customer experience can sometimes lead to headaches for event organizers and overall dissatisfaction by exhibitors and attendees. Let’s explore the nine most common event tech problems and how to solve them.

1. Poor Networking Opportunities

7 Ways Using LED Screens for Events Can Positively Impact Your Sustainability Initiatives

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Wed, 01/24/2024 - 09:41

Sustainability is a hot topic in events. In the age of climate change and heightened environmental awareness, it’s important to ensure that events are as sustainable as possible. Fortunately, one energy-efficient lighting technology can help do just that: LED

The Rise of the B2B Influencer

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Wed, 01/17/2024 - 09:38

As marketing trends continue to cycle, the importance of consumer trust remains constant. However, the rise of influencer marketing and social media has changed the dynamic between consumer and brand trust. With immediate access to product reviews, promotional codes and influencer testimonials, it’s easier than ever for consumers to learn about new brands and products.

The Art of Authenticity: 10 Ways to Spot AI-Generated Content

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Thu, 01/11/2024 - 09:47

Authenticity was a buzzword in events in 2023, and there's no denying, based on many predictions posted for 2024, that the word will play a role in many event and marketing strategies for the year ahead.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has not only revolutionized content generation but also impacted what many people assume to be genuine content or not. 

Navigating the Path to Net Zero Carbon Events – A Comprehensive Guide

Submitted by lpsavas@corpor… on Wed, 01/03/2024 - 10:54

In a significant step towards a sustainable future, the stakeholders of the Net Zero Carbon Events workstreams have officially released seven comprehensive guidance documents for decarbonization. As a culmination of efforts from more than 100 colleagues worldwide, the guidance documents offer a detailed and actionable framework for stakeholders, entering in a new era of responsible event management.

Partner Voices
MGM Resorts is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse culture, not just among employees and guests but also within its supply chain. The company prioritizes procuring goods and services from businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, people with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals and those facing economic disadvantages. This commitment is integral to MGM Resorts' global procurement strategy.    Through its voluntary supplier diversity program, MGM Resorts actively identifies and connects certified diverse-owned suppliers to opportunities within its supply chain. The company is more